Keep things spicy to help your heart

Many people hate spicy food while others can’t get enough of it. When some go out for Mexican or sushi, they ask the chef to make their order as hot as possible. To them it is a way to boost the flavors and make the dining experience truly memorable. On the other hand, others enjoy… Read more »

Are you sick of disgusting protein bars?

Sure – protein bars and shakes might be good for your health, but it’s safe to say that the majority of them taste disgusting. The bars that claim to be peanut butter or chocolate cookie flavored are the worst, resembling nothing like what they’re marketed as but instead taste like chewy cardboard. Choking down one… Read more »

Stay moisturized this summer

Just because dry skin might be a more prevalent issue during the winter, doesn’t mean you should let your guard down as the temperatures start to warm and the sun comes out. Your skin can become just as dry and uncomfortable during the summer. This may be especially true in your live in a drier… Read more »

Do you know how important magnesium is for your body?

Sure, you know it’s important to get a lot of fruits and vegetables, eat whole grains for,complex carbohydrates and fish for omega-3 fatty acids. You understand that you should exercise several times a week and get the proper amount of sleep. But did you also know that getting enough magnesium is an important part of… Read more »

If you are older – do not worry, be happy and healthy

If you’re cruising into your golden years, you’re likely enjoying retirement – maybe playing golf or taking up a new hobby. You probably enjoy spending time with the grandchildren and your family, visiting friends and maybe even taking a vacation to Europe. This is a great part of your life, so do your best to… Read more »

White rice could increase type 2 diabetes risk

According to a study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health, people who eat white rice regularly have a significantly higher chance of developing type 2 diabetes. The study results came from data collected in four studies, two in Western countries including the United States and Australia, and two Asian countries, China and Japan…. Read more »

Looking for a good source of vitamin D?

What is it that everyone is looking for? Are people searching for love? Money, fame or recognition? No, they are looking for an adequate source of vitamin D. The problem is many don’t know they’re looking for this and are instead wondering why they’re suffering from inadequate health and living a lower quality of life…. Read more »

Three ways to super charge your immunity

No one likes getting sick. This is why it’s so important to do everything you can to super charge your immune system and protect your body against illness. Therefore, consider these simple things that may help you stay healthy all year long. 1. Get a little stressed – This may seem like it’s against everything… Read more »

Are you looking for good sources of fiber?

Fiber is an important aspect of any healthy diet. However, many people do not really understand what fiber is, why it is good for them or where to get it. Fiber is the part of the plant that is indigestible by the human body. It has many health benefits including the ability to relieve constipation,… Read more »