For many people, the winter months bring more than just cold weather and shorter days. They also bring an increase in joint pain and stiffness. This phenomenon, often referred to as “winter joint pain,” is especially common among individuals with arthritis or other joint-related conditions. Understanding why this occurs and how to manage it can… Read more »
Summer is here and with it, the warm weather. So, take your daily exercise outside and enjoy the many health benefits that come from staying fit. Research shows that exercising daily helps energize you, maintain your optimum weight and even boosts your mood, while warding off illness. Here are four fantastic summer fitness options:
You know calcium, iron and zinc are vital nutrients your body needs. But did you know you also need magnesium? Magnesium is vital for many of the body’s functions—it plays a key role in your immune system, nerves, and muscles, and helps keep your heart and bones strong. It was once commonly accepted that magnesium…
A recent poll of 1,065 of the nation’s seniors found that nearly half of individuals between the ages of 65 and 80 in the United States struggle with sleep. A staggering 1 in 3 said they regularly take something to help them sleep. Over half of those polled believe that sleep difficulties are a normal… Read more »
Exercise can increase energy, elevate mood, and improve quality of life. There are many different types of exercise, but low impact fitness has its own benefits. Building strength and flexibility can even prevent future injuries, while regular physical activity can lower the risk and progression of chronic conditions such as osteoporosis. Low impact fitness is… Read more »
Cognitive capacity and brain health have more to do with successful aging than one might think. Nowadays it’s not enough just to age gracefully. The new goal is to age successfully. Today millions of Americans are experiencing longer lives than ever before. In fact, the percentage of Americans age 65 and older has more than tripled in the last 100 years, and now…