You likely get a lunch break each day. But if you’re working from home, like so many are now, you might not be using that break. Maybe you have a deadline looming, or you want to end the workday earlier, or maybe you just forgot to take a break. No matter what the reason, we all need to pause and take that time for ourselves. It’s a good idea to use some of that time for nourishment, but there are other things you can and should be doing for a healthier lunch break.
- Reconnect – Your lunch break is the perfect opportunity to connect with friends. Take your phone outside, find a bench and call someone you’ve been meaning to get back in touch with, a family member or even a nearby friend who’s been on your mind. Reaching out and reconnecting is good for both of you, especially since many of us feel so isolated right now.
- Go for a Walk – Taking a break to move more throughout the day can improve your state of mind, your heart health and help to prevent weight gain from sitting all day. Even if you just walk around the house, it’s good to get up and stretch.
- Take a Nap – A lunch break power nap can recharge your body and mind – providing you with the necessary energy to get through the second half of the day. 10-20 minutes is all you need. Find a quiet spot, set an alarm and close your eyes.
- Enroll in an Online Class – Whether it’s a fitness class, knitting class or reading group, if you can find a 30-minute class in an area of interest, it can really boost your spirits and energy and rejuvenate the rest of your workday.
- Meditate – If you can’t break away from your computer, you can still meditate at your desk and reap the benefits of being mindful. Focus on a mantra or object and try to clear your mind completely. The ancient practice of meditation has been shown to calm nerves and improve focus.
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