The body relies on a variety of vitamins and minerals to function properly. People can consume these essential nutrients through eating a well-balanced diet that includes multiple servings of fruits and vegetables. In the past, some researchers have hinted that organic produce, which has become more popular over the years, may offer an increased number of nutrients. However, experts have recently claimed that this is not true.
According to a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, organic foods, which currently account for approximately $27 billion in American grocery sales, have no more vitamins and nutrients than traditional items. Researchers from Stanford University performed 240 studies that looked at the benefits of these organic options, and found that they may not be healthier at all.
In fact, only phosphorus was found to be significantly higher in organic foods.
One clear difference between the two prototypes is that organic options had 30 percent less pesticide contamination, as compared to conventional produce. While organic foods aren’t completely pesticide-free, this is still a significant variation. Another finding was that organic chicken and pork may have less antibiotic-resistant bacteria exposure than unspecified animal meat.
“Our goal was to shed light on what the evidence is,” said researcher Crystal Smith-Spangler, M.D. “This is information that people can use to make their own decisions based on their level of concern about pesticides, their budget and other considerations.”
In addition to getting plenty of fruits and vegetables, individuals can take an all-natural supplement, such as Ultimate Reds made by Dr. Newton’s Naturals, to get the nutrients they need on a daily basis.
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