Most guys are aware that a healthy diet is necessary for good health. But they may not be eating enough of the specific foods needed to combat common men’s health concerns. Erectile dysfunction, muscle recovery after exercise, depression, cognitive impairment and more — can be improved with proper nutrition. Start by trying these four foods:
- Chocolate Milk – Chocolate milk could be an effective and affordable recovery beverage for many endurance athletes, according to a study by researchers in the Department of Nutrition, Exercise, and Health Sciences at Central Washington University. Low-fat chocolate milk has a 4-to-1 carb-to-protein ratio, which is similar to many commercial sports drinks. It also provides the necessary fluids and sodium to aid in post-workout recovery. The study recommends drinking chocolate milk immediately after exercise and again two hours later.
- Oysters – Oysters contain more zinc per serving than any other food. Zinc is an essential micronutrient for prostate health. Because the human body doesn’t store zinc naturally, it’s important to make sure you get enough through your daily diet. The recommended daily allowance for men is 11 mg.
- Wild Caught Salmon – There is strong evidence to suggest that vitamin D deficiency may contribute to erectile dysfunction (ED). Getting enough vitamin D may help reduce the risk for ED by helping to reduce vascular damage caused by inflammation, according to a study published in the journal, Dermato-Endocrinology. A 3-ounce serving of wild-caught salmon contains 112 percent of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin D.
- Walnuts – Walnuts are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and phytochemicals, which may be beneficial for brain health. These super nutrients have shown effectiveness in helping to ward off depression and maintain cognitive function. Walnuts also counter the oxidative stress and inflammation that occur naturally with aging, according to a study published in The Journal of Nutrition. A ¼-cup serving of walnuts provides 2.7 grams of omega-3 fats.
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