Fluoride may cause tooth damage, but vitamins can help

More studies show that excessive fluoride is not fit for human consumption, but more than 75 percent of drinking water in the U.S. contains traces of it, as reported by Food Consumer. In addition, dentists use the toxic substance to reduce their patients’ risk of caries.

However, it can increase a person’s likelihood of fluorosis, a change in appearance of the tooth’s enamel, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. However, new research found that vitamin C and E may help protect against such damage.

According to a study published in the journal Clinical Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, getting adequate levels of vitamins C and E can prevent endometrial damage and oxidative stress caused by fluoride intoxication, as reported by Food Consumer. Researchers from Turkey looked at the effect of fluoride treatment on rats that either received a placebo therapy, fluoride preparation or fluoride with vitamins over the course of 2 months, and observed positive results.

“It can be concluded that oxidative endometrial damage plays an important role in F(fluoride)-induced endometrial toxicity, and the modulation of oxidative stress with vitamins reduces F(fluoride)-induced endometrial damage both at the biochemical and histological levels,” the researchers concluded, as quoted by the news source.

People can use filters to remove fluoride from tap water if they wish to drink it, but they may also consider taking a supplement, such as Vital B-100 made by Dr. Newton’s Naturals, to get sufficient supply of both vitamins C and E.

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