It’s a well known fact that reducing the number of calories you consume can shrink your waistline, but could it also improve your heart health? According to a recent study conducted by the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, the heart can better adapt to stress, physical energy and sleep in people who have restricted calories.
Science Daily reports researchers discovered the heart’s ability to function better during stress or physical exertion – activities that influence the rate blood pumps into the heart – in people who have restricted their calorie intake for seven years. The study’s senior author, Luigi Fontana, MD, PhD, explains this provides insight into how the autonomic nervous system affects the heart – the same system that is involved in digestion and breathing.
The people tested had an average age of over 51, and those who showed heart rate variability improvement consumed 30 percent fewer calories than normal. Having a high heart rate variability allows the heart to adjust to what it needs more quickly. For example, when you’re exercising your heart needs to adjust and have more blood pumped to it. Researchers explain a higher variability can decrease the risk of heart problems such as cardiovascular death.
Decreasing calories consumed may be a good way to improve heart health as well as slim down. Skinny D from Dr. Newton’s Naturals can reduce the urge to overeat, and therefore decrease calories naturally and effectively.
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