It’s Never Too Late…to Get in Shape

No matter your age or your current physical condition, you can benefit from exercise. Reaping the rewards of exercise doesn’t require strenuous workouts or trips to the gym. It’s about adding more movement and activity to your life, even in small ways. There are many simple ways to get your body in shape and improve… Read more »

Non-Gym Workouts for Men

This past year has tested us in many ways.  Many of us decided to skip the gym for a myriad of reasons.  It can be hard to get back into your fitness routine.  If you’re not quite ready to go back to the gym or have decided the gym just isn’t for you, there are… Read more »

Take a Healthier Lunch Break

You likely get a lunch break each day.  But if you’re working from home, like so many are now, you might not be using that break.  Maybe you have a deadline looming, or you want to end the workday earlier, or maybe you just forgot to take a break.  No matter what the reason, we all need to… Read more »

Exercise and Brain Health

You know the wide-ranging benefits of exercise.  Physical fitness is important for weight loss, bone strength, heart health and more.  Now there’s research to suggest that staying physically fit can help improve brain health as well and it doesn’t matter when you begin. Research has demonstrated that just three hours of light exercise weekly can lead to… Read more »

Strategies to Ease Muscle Discomfort Naturally

According to a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, light activity after a workout can help ease muscle discomfort just as well as a massage. Researchers asked subjects to perform specific shoulder exercises. Two days later, they received a 10-minute massage on one shoulder and performed 10 minutes of exercise (a… Read more »

Before and After Fitness Foods

When gearing up for a workout, carbs are your friend.  However, they need to be a blend of complex and simple so that the energy release is slow and steady, rather than a burst of energy followed by that awful sluggish feeling.  Post workout, you need protein to help your muscles recover. Here are our… Read more »

Rheumatoid Arthritis and Exercise

Forty to 80 percent of people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) cite fatigue as their most debilitating symptom, according to research published in the Israel Medical Association Journal. That, coupled with joint pain and other symptoms of RA, can be a big barrier to getting regular exercise. Decreased activity levels in people with rheumatoid arthritis actually… Read more »

Ten At-Home Exercises to Stay in Shape

Stuck inside, but still need to get some exercise?  We’ve got you covered.  You don’t need a gym or to even go outside your home for these favorites.  You can get your heart rate pumping, strengthen your core and tone your muscles right in the comfort of your living room.  Try these ten at-home exercises… Read more »

Keep Your New Year’s Fitness Resolutions

If you’re like most Americans, you’ve made exercise and weight loss your New Year’s resolution to kick off the new decade. Unfortunately, resolutions are a lot easier to make than they are to keep. According to a study from the Statistic Brain Research Institute, nearly half of Americans will make resolutions for 2020. The most… Read more »

Exercises to Reduce Chronic Pain

Exercise can help reduce chronic pain. Chronic pain is defined as pain that lasts at least 12 weeks. The pain may feel sharp or dull, causing a burning or aching sensation in the affected areas. It may be steady or intermittent, coming and going without any apparent reason. Chronic pain can occur in nearly any… Read more »