When summer started, you may have had grand plans for revamping your fitness routine. More daylight hours, nice weather and the vision of a beach-ready body were all the motivation you needed to get out there. But now, it seems like summer is almost over and your motivation is rapidly dwindling – you’ve got the summer fitness slump. Here are some tips to get you back on track:
- Set Realistic Goals – perhaps you’ve given up because you’re not seeing the progress you were hoping for. Well – take a good look at your goals. Were they realistic? Try smaller, more attainable goals for encouragement. Weigh yourself just once a week and shoot for a one-pound loss. A pound equals 3,500 calories. This means you need to eliminate that many calories in order to lose a pound through diet and exercise. Don’t forget to reward yourself when you reach a goal – you deserve it and rewards can be very motivating!
- Involve the Whole Family – maybe the issue is time related. It can be hard to find time for a workout when the kids are out of school. Instead of looking at it that way, turn it around and include your family. Maybe go for a brisk walk while your kids ride their bikes. Hit the pool and do a few laps while the kids splash around. Go for a family hike. Even a rowdy game of tag or volleyball can raise your heart rate and count as exercise. Your kids will love being involved and you’ll love the results.
- Invest in New Gear – it shouldn’t be all about the fashion, but the truth is a new pair of sneakers or running shorts can be exciting and just what you need to renew your routine. Experts recommend replacing your running shoes every 300–500 miles.At about this point the midsole cushioning on most shoes will lose resiliency and stop absorbing shock as well as when newer, which can cause more impact on your muscles and joints. This means that if you average 15 miles of running or walking per week, then you’ll need to replace your shoes approximately every five to eight months. If you wear your sneakers casually, those miles count toward the total as well.
- Change it Up – If you’ve been taking the same walk every day for a month, you’re probably tired of the scenery. Make a change. Look for a new walking path or even try your favorite route backwards. There are more online fitness classes now than ever before. Maybe it’s time to try something new. Get out of your comfort zone and give it a whirl.
- Find an Accountability Partner – If you’re exercising alone, it’s easy to hit snooze and miss your morning workout. But, if someone else is counting on you, you’re much less likely to bail. Find a walking buddy, a swimming partner or someone you can meet up with virtually for an online class – someone to help hold you accountable for your workouts.
- Don’t Underestimate Recovery – recovery after a hard workout is essential. Your body requires rest, nourishment and hydration. Aim for 24 hours between cardiovascular workouts like running, walking and cycling. If you’ve been strength training, your muscles might need 48 hours of recovery. Don’t push yourself too hard. You’ll be more prone to injuries and giving up.
You can get around the summer fitness slump. You just need to put some thought and effort into it.
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