Resveratrol is not a magic anti-aging solution. It is a compound of molecules that comes from some seed producing plants. Resveratrol is plentiful in the skins and peels of grapes and is found in both white and red wine, but in much greater quantity in the red varieties. The compounds have antioxidant properties that protect the body against damage.
Multiple studies on mice have shown that resveratrol may have a number of heart-healthy benefits, such as preventing damage to blood vessels, decreasing clots, lowering cholesterol, hindering inflammation and warding off stroke. But some of the most interesting research is focused on its anti-aging potential.
Over the last decade, the science of aging has focused on a group of genes called sirtuins. This group of genes is believed to protect against aging. Scientists have found that resveratrol increases the activity of a specific sirtuin called SIRT1. Mice receiving resveratrol have twice the endurance and are relatively immune from the effects of aging. In several experiments, lifespan has actually been extended. But still there was skepticism.
However, recent research from Harvard Medical School suggests that resveratrol does in fact stimulate proteins, helping to increase the activity of mitochondria (responsible for energy within cells) thereby extending their lives. Researchers concluded that resveratrol does provide anti-aging benefits.Here are four foods that contain resveratrol:
- Red Grapes – they don’t have to be fermented (wine) to contain this antioxidant. It’s found in the skin of red grapes along with other nutrients, such as minerals manganese and potassium and vitamins K, C and B1.
- Blueberries – they don’t have quite as much resveratrol as grapes, but they are also a great source of other antioxidants, dietary fiber, vitamins C, K and manganese.
- Dark Chocolate – dark chocolate is full of antioxidants including resveratrol. It also contains minerals, such as iron, copper and manganese. And who doesn’t love chocolate?
- Peanut Butter – it’s great for dipping apples and celery, but it also contains some resveratrol (up to .13 mg per cup). Peanut butter is a good source of niacin and manganese as well.
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