Recent research has pointed toward probiotics as a possible treatment for skin ailments including acne and psoriasis. Psoriasis is a condition in which skin cells build up forming scales and itchy, dry patches. It is thought to be an autoimmune system disease that can be triggered by infections, stress and cold temperatures. Given that 80 percent of our immune system is located in our digestive tract, having a healthy gut can be crucial for those suffering from psoriasis.
Probiotics for Psoriasis
One study, published in the journal Gut Microbes, included 22 patients diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, 26 patients diagnosed with psoriasis, and 48 patients with chronic fatigue syndrome.At the beginning of the study, all patients had significantly raised levels of three blood biomarkers for inflammation.
During the trial period, which lasted between 6 and 8 weeks, each patient and 22 of the healthy controls received identical treatments containing either the probiotic or a placebo. At the end of the study, researchers found that compared with the controls, all three groups of patients who received the probiotic had significantly lower levels of CRP.
Probiotics Strengthen the Skin Barrier
Probiotics have also been shown to strengthen the skin’s barrier function. The skin acts as a physical barrier to protect our internal organs and keep out pathogens and other toxins. Not only are there microflora that live in the human gut, but there is also a skin microbiome, with friendly microorganisms providing protection. Our skin microbiome has been shown to protect against unfriendly bacteria that can contribute to skin diseases including eczema, rosacea and psoriasis.
Probiotics Improve Inflammatory Skin Condition
Probiotics have also demonstrated a stabilizing effect in inflammatory skin conditions such as acne and rosacea. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, one study found that probiotics have a calming effect on the skin and prevent the immune system from attacking other living micro-organisms, thus reducing flare-ups.
When searching for the best probiotics, consider supplementation. Some people are sensitive to dairy, so yogurt isn’t a good option. And others just don’t care for fermented foods containing probiotics such as sauerkraut or sour milk. Be sure to look for a high-quality probiotic supplement and discuss this option with your physician.