Vitamin C is essential to nourish and maintain healthy looking skin. The antioxidant properties in vitamin C help prevent free-radicals from breaking down collagen and can even reverse DNA damage from sunburn. Damage to collagen and DNA are two significant factors in the aging of skin. While the collagen boosting and anti-inflammatory benefits of vitamin C can be experienced year-round, it is absolutely crucial during the spring and summer months when UV exposure can be high.
Vitamin C Helps to Prevent Sun Damage
Studies have shown that vitamin C can help prevent damage from UV rays. Not only that, vitamin C can actually reverse the damage caused by previous exposure. By visibly reducing the signs of aging, including fine lines, poor skin texture and hyperpigmentation, vitamin C can help produce a more youthful, radiant glow both now and in the future. This powerful antioxidant also has the ability to regenerate other antioxidants, such as vitamin E, giving added protection. It also has amazing wound healing abilities and can help to prevent the dangerous consequences of long-term sun exposure, which can potentially lead to skin cancer.
Vitamin C Boosts Collagen Synthesis
Vitamin C is essential for efficient synthesis of collagen in the body. In its most extreme form, a deficiency in vitamin C leads to scurvy. Many of the symptoms of scurvy such as bleeding gums and poor wound healing are directly due to impaired collagen synthesis. As the human body is unable to produce its own vitamin C, the only way to obtain the critical vitamin is through diet. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that vitamin C intake from food sources was linked with a less wrinkled appearance and less age-related skin dryness in middle-aged women.
For healthier, smoother and younger looking skin – make sure your diet is rich in fruits and vegetables and supplement with vitamin C.
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