Meet Team Super C22
Vitamin C is at the top of its game! So, it’s appropriate that we included our Super C22 in “March Gladness.” New research shows that vitamin C is rapidly finding new applications in protecting against endothelial dysfunction, high blood pressure, and the blood vessel changes that precede heart disease. Additional research is discovering that vitamin C can be helpful in preventing asthma, protecting against cancer, and even supporting healthy blood sugar levels in diabetics.
Meet Team Super C22:
Heather H. – Customer Service
Beth L. – Customer Service
Karen P. – Customer Service
Rob H. – Sales
Tom V. – Sales
Smart for the Heart
One of the most intensely studied areas of vitamin C benefits is that of cardiovascular health. Researchers are finding that vitamin C impacts several aspects of cardiac health, ranging from blood pressure to endothelial health. Vitamin C helps to prevent heart disease by preventing free radicals from damaging artery walls, which could lead to plaque formation. Vitamin C also keeps cholesterol in the bloodstream from oxidizing, another early symptom in the progression toward heart disease and stroke. It may help people who have marginal vitamin C status to obtain favorable blood cholesterol levels. High blood pressure may also improve in the presence of Vitamin C. All of these factors combined make vitamin C an inexpensive and easy way to lower your risk of heart disease and strokes.
Kicking Cancer Where it Counts
Exciting new research is showing that vitamin C supplementation may decrease the toxic effects of chemotherapy drugs (such as damage to heart tissue) and increase the anti-tumor activity of chemotherapy. Moreover, recent studies show that vitamin C may work together with other antioxidant and anti-inflammatory nutraceuticals to help fight cancer. It supports the body’s immune system, the first line of defense against cancer, and prevents certain cancer-causing compounds from forming in the body. Chronic supplementation with vitamin C might reduce the risk of actually developing cancer.
When Air Becomes Dense…C Makes Sense
Large, well-designed studies continue to show that vitamin C reduces the frequency and duration of the common cold. More serious respiratory illnesses also benefit from the antioxidant effects of vitamin C, particularly asthma. Research has shown that vitamin C improves asthmatic symptoms and lessens the body’s production of histamine, which contributes to inflammation. In one study, asthmatic children given an antioxidant supplement containing vitamin C had markedly decreased responses to environmental asthma triggers. In another study, vitamin C supplements reduced the amount of long-term inhaled corticosteroids needed by adults with asthma.
Sweet Victory
Human studies have now demonstrated that vitamin C supplements may help lower blood glucose levels in diabetics. Since insulin helps vitamin C, as well as glucose, get into cells, people with diabetes may not have enough vitamin C inside many of their cells. Just like glucose, vitamin C can’t do its work if it’s not inside of a cell. Supplementing vitamin C can force it into body cells, where it can protect against the many complications of diabetes, including lowering LDL “bad” cholesterol and protecting against damaging free radicals.