Cold Weather Skincare

Across much of the country, the temperatures are dipping as the chill of autumn weather arrives.  Whipping winds, dry air, and cold temperatures can have a damaging effect on our skin. The cold air outside and heat inside can strip moisture from pores, making your skin itchy and dry. But you don’t have to suffer… Read more »

Gluten Sensitivity and Vitamin D

If you shop the health food aisles of your local grocery store, you’re likely noticing more and more items labeled, “Gluten Free.”  Gluten sensitivity is on the rise. Research estimates that 18 million Americans suffer from non-celiac gluten sensitivity.  According to the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearing House, that’s 1 in 133 Americans. Gluten sensitivity… Read more »

Natural Solutions for Cold and Flu Symptoms

If your cold and flu symptoms have you running for the nearest over-the-counter medications, you may want to think again.  Those medications can often leave you feeling groggy and like your head is in the clouds.  In fact, they may not even be effective. CVS Health is pulling some cough-and-cold treatments that contain an ingredient… Read more »

Breast Cancer Myths Debunked

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a good time to talk about the many myths surrounding breast cancer.  You may have heard that wearing a bra can increase your risk of developing the disease, but there is no scientific support to this rumor.  But if you think you’re off the hook because you have no family… Read more »

Five Breast Cancer Risk Factors

October is usually a month of pumpkin orange, and autumn leaves turning fiery shades of red and yellow, but it is also that time of year where we are reminded to think pink.  October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month.  Did you know that there are breast cancer risk factors that are often ignored? Most… Read more »

Sleep Better with Serotonin Rich Foods

Sleep has a significant effect on your daily mood, productivity and health.  Nutrition plays a large role in how well you sleep. Food relates directly to serotonin, a key hormone that — along with vitamins B6, B12, and folic acid — helps promote healthy sleep. If a good night’s sleep is important to you, try… Read more »

Cooler Weather Inhibits Immune System

For years, many people believed that cold and flu season happened during the cooler weather months because we spend more time inside together in poorly ventilated spaces.  However, recent research suggests that in fact, the cooler weather inhibits the immune system. One in five people carry the rhinovirus – the most frequent cause of the… Read more »

Whole Grain Lunches to Go

September is Whole Grains Month and what better way to celebrate than by packing healthy, whole grain foods in your family’s lunches?  But first, what exactly are whole grains? When growing in the field, all grains start out as whole grains. Each grain kernel contains three specific parts: the bran, the germ, and the endosperm…. Read more »

Boost Your Immunity with Probiotics

During cold and flu season it’s important to consume foods to boost your immunity.  Keeping your immune system healthy ensures that your body is able to fight viruses and other foreign invaders known to cause illness. Supplementing with vitamin C may work, but it’s not the only piece of the puzzle. In fact, the latest… Read more »

Energize with Healthy Snacks

Instead of reaching for that afternoon coffee or a handful of M&M’s, energize with these healthy snacks.   They’ll provide a quick pick-me-up, without the caffeine slump a few hours later. 1.  Apple or Banana with Peanut Butter – You don’t even need to keep a whole jar in your desk anymore.  There are single serving…