Over 180 million Americans start the day with coffee to get going. Some people enjoy their coffee and apparently have no health issues with drinking it. There are, however, some unfortunate side effects of coffee, particularly when it becomes so addictive that you find it difficult to go a day without it.
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Probiotics Offer IBS Relief
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is the most common gastrointestinal condition in North America with an estimated 30 to 50 million sufferers. Yet it remains one of the most difficult to treat. The chronic and often debilitating symptoms of IBS include abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, and/or diarrhea. Treating IBS can be a difficult process for doctors…
Exercise Safely in the Summer Heat
Summer is almost here. Did you know there are different rules to exercise safely in the heat? Your body has different needs and dehydration is a real risk. Typically when you exercise, your body is warmer than the environment, but when it’s not, your muscles regulate heat by releasing sweat, which allows the body to cool itself. When…
Krill Tackles Chronic Pain
Are you one of the millions of Americans who suffer from chronic pain? It can be a debilitating condition. If pain is keeping you from enjoying your favorite activities, krill oil may offer you some relief. Krill oil comes from a small crustacean in the frigid waters of Antarctica and is the primary diet of the great…
Bone Health Beyond Calcium
As we age, we lose bone. Getting the proper nutrients for strong, healthy bones is critical. Calcium is a crucial building block of bone tissue. Vitamin D helps the body absorb and process calcium. The two nutrients work together to maintain bone health and strength. However, in looking beyond calcium, there are other lesser-known nutrients important to maintaining bone health. …
Bone Building Foods Without Dairy
Calcium is crucial for bone health, but it also ensures that your muscles, cells, and nerves function properly. We all know that dairy is brimming with calcium, but what if you’re lactose intolerant, allergic, are vegan or just don’t like the taste of dairy products? You’re in luck. There are lots of foods without dairy that are loaded…
Fresh Low Impact Fitness Ideas
Exercise can increase energy, elevate mood, and improve quality of life. There are many different types of exercise, but low impact fitness has its own benefits. Building strength and flexibility can even prevent future injuries, while regular physical activity can lower the risk and progression of chronic conditions such as osteoporosis. Low impact fitness is… Read more »
Warm Weather Weight Management
Warmer weather is here. Many of us put on some unwanted pounds during the long winter season. But thoughts of swimming, beaches and summer sun have us wanting to get back in shape and shed those pounds. Warm weather weight management strategies can be simple to incorporate into your daily routine. Start with small lifestyle adjustments….
The Connection Between Stress and Heartburn
When you experience stress – either chronic stress or ongoing tension from life’s little stressors – your digestive health is impacted. Psychological stress can impair contraction of the GI tract, induce inflammation and even increase your susceptibility to infection. The connection between stress and heartburn is so strong that researchers have found that patients seeking therapy… Read more »
Guys – You Need These Four Foods
Most guys are aware that a healthy diet is necessary for good health. But they may not be eating enough of the specific foods needed to combat common men’s health concerns. Erectile dysfunction, muscle recovery after exercise, depression, cognitive impairment and more — can be improved with proper nutrition. Start by trying these four foods: